Sum Of Partial Factorials

Sum Of Partial Factorials
(December 23, 2006)
We present a general formula called as the 'sum of partial factorials'. 
General Formula
for m and n ∈ N.  Formula (I) holds true for all positive integers m and n. The term in the formula can be expressed in expanded form as:
for m and n ∈ N.

It is known that there exist finite series of the form:


We endeavor to identify other formulas with a similar pattern to the one described above by studying the characteristics of the subsequent finite series through the method of induction:

or express in the sum notation




The above pattern can be generalized as:


 where m and n are positive integers.
Furthermore, it can be expressed in the factorial form:
for m and .
We discover that the sum still holds when we treat m as a real variable x,
            for x ∈ R and n ∈ N.
Finally, we rewrite it in the summation and production notations as:
for x ∈ R and n ∈ N. 
Examine various values of n





Later, we note that any forms of the finite series can be obtained by applying the standard formulas for sums of integers powers.

Other finite series: