Series Summary

Series Summary provides the outlines and concise notes regarding the series and formulas related to the posts that have been published on the Series Math Study website.

Main SMS (2013)

Special Finite Series


Special Arctan Identity


where x is arbitrary.



The sin function of pi/35 obeys the identity


Special Sextic Equation

where a, b and c are real, and a ≠ 0. One of the roots of the special sextic equation is found as shown below 



The solution of the equation is 


16x16 Magic Square




Main SMS (2012)

Brief Notice - We are no longer going to support this website after 2012. Why?  All the information on this website will be kept as it is.

December 30, 2012

A Special Series Involving Gamma Function

We found a new special series formula in connect with Gamma function Γ(x). For real x,


The formula can be rewritten in the form


where x < -1/2 or x > 1/2.


August 02, 2012

A Special Series


where is the digamma function, which is defined as



July 29, 2012

Some Special Series

  • ,

where , and are the Zeta constants.


June 2, 2012

A Closed Form of Special Value of Gamma Function


where m is a positive integer.


May 20, 2012

A Special Limit Expression Involving Gamma Function


where x is real.


January 05, 2012

New Formula of Gamma function Approximation 

The formula below provides an approximation of the Gamma function, offering a high degree of accuracy for real values of x:


1. The left-hand side represents the natural logarithm of the Gamma function.

2. In mathematics, the Gamma function is crucial as many other special functions depend on it. Discovering a closed-form solution for the Gamma function would significantly enhance the chances of resolving the Riemann Hypothesis.  Unfortunately, such a closed form remains unknown.

View this formula in MathML for XHTML editing



MAIN SMS (2011)

Brief Notice - This website is going to be temporarily closed to reserve for improvement, and this work probably takes long.  We apologize for not sharing series formulas regularly.

November 06, 2011

A New Approximation Formula for Computing the N-th Harmonic Number  (Update)

A newly derived approximation formula, which provides more digit accuracy for computing the n-th Harmonic Number, is found as follows:


whereis Euler constant, and n is a positive integer.

 More >>


June 24, 2011

New Harmonic Number Approximation Formula 


whereis Euler constant and n a is positive integer.



January 02, 2011
 A special product series gives
where Γ is Gamma function, and Γ(1/3) = 2.6789385347... .

Main SMS (2010)

The followings are outlines and brief notes of the series formulas that have been developed and found recently.
October 19, 2010

Gamma Function Approximation Formula (6 decimal places)

The following formula is the Gamma function approximation that provides a high level of accuracy. It gives the value of Gamma function to 6 decimal places of precision for real x < 10, namely




 (Notice, the exponential function is written as exp(x) or ex. This formula is also expressed in terms of logarithm to compute complex z.)


October 16, 2010

 Two Series are found in Connection with Mathematical constants,



August 03, 2010

 Two Series in Connection with Mathematical constants



July 03, 2010

Sums in which the Square Root of Two and Other Constants Appear are Given by 



June 27, 2010
A Surprising Sum in whichAppears is Given by 



April 18, 2010
Some Special Infinite Series
  • .



February 09, 2010
 Sums of Reciprocals of Two-Term Squares Table




Sums of Reciprocals of Two-Term Cubes Table



January 30, 2010

Series in Limit Form

Given n is a positive integer.  The following series are found in a closed form as n tends to infinity.


  • .

  • .



January 17, 2010

Sequences and Series Art -- A Generic Infinite Series Found Linking Three Special Sequences '2, 30, 420, ...', '15, 209, 2911, ...', and '17, 241, 3361, ...' with the Constant



January 08, 2010
Two Beautiful Series in Connection with zeta and Pi Constants 



January 01, 2010

A Curious Series in Connection with Euler-Mascheroni, Pi Constants 

For positive integer n,

, whereis Euler-Mascheroni constant.

The above series can be transformed into another form, namely



Another curious series is found in connection to Pi



(Happy New Year 2010)


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Main SMS (2009)



December 20, 2009


Infinite Series in Connection with Pi Constant 




November 26, 2009 (Happy Thanksgiving)


Finite Series in Connection with Apéry, Pi Constants

The n-th partial sum below is expressed in terms of Hurwitz zeta function for each positive integer n.  



 , s and a are complex variables.  

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November 07, 2009


Finite Series Are Expressed  in Terms of n-th Partial Sum of Hurwitz Zeta Function

For real x and each positive integer n, 




October 25, 2009


Finite Series in General Form

For real x ≠ 0 and each positive integer n, 




September 26, 2009


50 Identities of Power Summation (Update)


July 8, 2009


A Family of Finite BBP-Type Series in the Base of 729

 For each positive integer n,
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July 1, 2009


Some BBP-Type Series for Computing Pi (Update)


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June 14, 2009
A Brief Note of the Sum of Riemann Zeta Function and the Digamma Function
The sum of Riemann zeta function,, is found in the closed-form.




April 12, 2009 and May 3, 2009


Some Finite Series Found in Closed-Form

For each positive integer n, the following finite series are found in a closed-form.


  • . (correct)

  • .

  • .

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April 9, 2009
Some Finite Series Help to Find a Family of Machin-Type Formula
For each positive integer n,
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Main SMS (2008)


December 14, 2008


An infinite series has a connection with one of the roots of the quartic equation and the constant Pi.
, which is one of the roots of the quartic equation
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December 13, 2008
The Riemann Zeta (7) constant has been found in a series in which the hyperbolic functions and other math constants appear.
, where is a Riemann zeta constant.

August 12, 2008

The infinite series of the BBP-type formula is found and used to compute the digits of the constant .

Another series is found in terms of other math constants, namely
Click here to see other similar series of this type.

August 2, 2008
General Inverse Tangent Series of Unknown Names
where , , and.
It reveals many inverse tangent and Machine-like formulas. For example, the simple one of this type is obtained when n = 1, namely
Click here to see other forms.

May 1, 2008
Power Sum and Sum of Partial Power Sums for any positive integer n. 
Power Sum

Sum of Partial Power Sums

Click here to see other similar formulas.

January 31, 2008

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Main SMS (2007)

May 15, 2007


The following general series formula is true:

A special case as a = 1 and x = 0, it gives
Click here to see other form.

April 07, 2007


  The fast conergent series are used for computing the logarithm constants log 2 and log 3 (updated).


February 14, 2007



 (Notice are the special values of the Riemann zeta function at positive integers.)


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Main SMS (2006)

December 23, 2006

The formula below is true for all .

Click here to see more formulas and examples.

December 13, 2006

The reciprocal of the beautiful infinite product of nested radicals

due to Vieta in 1592 can be decomposed into partial fractions of the infinite series as shown below or click here.


October 15, 2006

Finite Alternative Odd Power Series

The sums of the following identities are true for any positive integer n.





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September 17, 2006



August 25, 2006
GraphFunc is an online program for drawing graphs of basic mathematical functions in 2D and 3D coordinate systems.  Click here to use this tool.
(August 1, 2006)



July 04, 2006
(Twin series – when comparing this series and the one shown below)
Some series in relation to pi

May 29, 2006
 A fast convergent series of BPP-type formulas has been found and can be used for computing the n-th digit of in base 4096 without computing any prior digits. 
(We do not know whether this series is new)
Some series in relation to pi.  

May 28, 2006

(This series has been found and can be used to compute directly the n-th digit of ln(7) without computing any prior digits. Notice that the base of this series is 729.)


May 23, 2006

May 15, 2006



April 21, 2006

March 7, 2006

March 6, 2006


This series can be written in product form:

, which is

March 4, 2006



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January 16, 2006






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Main SMS (2005)



December 18, 2005


December 07, 2005

whereis the Euler constant.


November 12, 2005

November 4, 2005

where constant e is the base of the natural logarithm function.


whereis Apéry’s constant.


where G is Catalan’s constant.


whereis Riemann zeta function.



August 26, 2005
(This series can be used to compute directly the n-th digit of ln(2) in base 6561 without computing any prior digits)


August 26, 2005
(This series can be used to compute directly the n-th digit of ln(3) in base 256 without computing any prior digits)
For each positive integer n,


For each positive integer n,




The nth partial sum above gives three possible results: 0, 1, or 1/2. The outcome depends on the initial value of the index k, which is a key path to make this sum deterministic. 
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