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Frequently Asked Questions


1.   Can I use the materials to distribute?

Yes for those in United States and remember to list the references. Please check your copyrights at your country if you are living outside the United States.


2.  I Get the Error Messages When I browse on some pages or Login into SMS website

The problem may stem from outdated files that are stored in your browser's cache within the Temporary Internet Files folder, causing to conflicts with the current pages on the SMS website. It is advisable to clear your browser's cache and then attempt to browse again. To clear your browser's cache:

  • If using Internet Explorer, do the following steps: Click on Internet Options -> Open the General Tab -> Click the Delete Files button.
  • If using Firefox, do the following steps: Click on Tools -> Click Clear Private Data -> Click Clear Private Data Now button.


3.  Why do we stop supporting this website after 2012?

We have only one person, a former student, dedicated to developing formulas to support this website during weekends. This person has recently taken on additional work and activities. Consequently, we must temporarily suspend our support for this website, with plans to resume our efforts at some time in future.

If the links are still broken after clearing your browser's cache, please use this form to tell us about the error.  Thanks for your helps.