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Main SMS (2008)


December 14, 2008


An infinite series has a connection with one of the roots of the quartic equation and the constant Pi.
, which is one of the roots of the quartic equation

December 13, 2008
The Riemann Zeta (7) constant has been found in a series in which the hyperbolic functions and other math constants appear.
, where is a Riemann zeta constant.

August 12, 2008

The infinite series of the BBP-type formula is found and used to compute the digits of the constant .

Another series is found in terms of other math constants, namely
Click here to see other similar series of this type.

August 2, 2008
General Inverse Tangent Series of Unknown Names
where , , and.
It reveals many inverse tangent and Machine-like formulas. For example, the simple one of this type is obtained when n = 1, namely
Click here to see other forms.

May 1, 2008
Power Sum and Sum of Partial Power Sums for any positive integer n. 
Power Sum

Sum of Partial Power Sums

Click here to see other similar formulas.

January 31, 2008

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