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Main SMS (2012)

Brief Notice - We are no longer going to support this website after 2012. Why?  All the information on this website will be kept as it is.

December 30, 2012

A Special Series Involving Gamma Function

We found a new special series formula in connect with Gamma function Γ(x). For real x,


The formula can be rewritten in the form


where x < -1/2 or x > 1/2.


August 02, 2012

A Special Series


where is the digamma function, which is defined as



July 29, 2012

Some Special Series

  • ,

where , and are the Zeta constants.


June 2, 2012

A Closed Form of Special Value of Gamma Function


where m is a positive integer.


May 20, 2012

A Special Limit Expression Involving Gamma Function


where x is real.


January 05, 2012

New Formula of Gamma function Approximation 

The formula below provides an approximation of the Gamma function, offering a high degree of accuracy for real values of x:


1. The left-hand side represents the natural logarithm of the Gamma function.

2. In mathematics, the Gamma function is crucial as many other special functions depend on it. Discovering a closed-form solution for the Gamma function would significantly enhance the chances of resolving the Riemann Hypothesis.  Unfortunately, such a closed form remains unknown.

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